Guidelines for Authors

Review Articles and Essays

Acknowledged experts publish reviews of specific fields of research, essays on emerging research fields in both political and historical science, as well as detailed reviews of pivotal publications in both fields in the “Neue Politische Literatur”. The editorial board of the “Neue Politische Literatur” requests these contributions. The “Neue Politische Literatur” never publishes unrequested contributions.
Since the publication of the 2012 volume, review articles and contributions dealing with emerging fields will be evaluated anonymously. Please contact Dr. Volker Köhler for details.
Contributions submitted in English or German will be published.

Book Reviews

Our book reviews describe the contents of the publications, relate them to the research contexts, and then critically evaluate the contributions made. In general, we contact prospective authors; we do not publish unrequested individual reviews.
If you would like to review a book for the “Neue Politische Literatur”, please provide our assistant editor, Dr. Andrea Perthen, with information about your research field and current academic position.

Please note that the “Neue Politische Literatur”concurs in the use of excerpts from book reviews with the recommended arrangement of the Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels:
Regeln zur Verwendung von Auzügen aus Buchrezensionen